Game Designer / UI Programmer
The first game I made with Unreal Engine while I was in University. In Polacool, we control a flying squirrel who can grind on designated areas with his skateboard. The assignment for this game was to create a character controller that felt good and offered a little something special. Six projects were then chosen to be fleshed out and completed by creating three rooms connected by two hallways. The original prototype which included the gliding and the grinding mechanic was created by my partner Tassos Karras and myself.
Platformer, Skateboarding, Cute
Unreal Engine 4

Grinding on rails
Unreal's controller Navigation
If I could make it again
As it was a school project, a lot of basic functionalities that would be seen in a real game on the market are still missing like a pause menu or keyboard and mouse support. The game is beatable with keyboard and mouse, but only because the basic controls of unreal were never removed as the task was to make the game playable through the controller first and foremost.
Other decisions and inputs might even seem weird, but were prerequisites for evaluations. An example of this would be the pause button restarting the game from the beginning of the level and the escape button of the keyboard to directly close the game. These inputs were required and obligatory in case a project wouldn’t have an easily accessible exit game button or in case the evaluators would get softlock in a level and would need to restart it.
If I could remake Polacool again, I would fix those issues to improve the overall global experience like a pause menu where the player could quit the game and restart the level like a regular game would offer. I would also make the game keyboard and mouse compatible and update the inputs prompt. At last, I would add at least some basic options to make the game more enjoyable such as a volume slider for the sounds and music and screen settings such as resolution, window mode, v-sync, qualities, etc.